The essence of investing is putting funds at risk with the hopes of receiving a greater amount in return. If this is accomplished, it can be said that one has created value. … [Read more...] about VALUE Creation Theory and Practice
The Three Jobs of Management
As executives and managers, our ultimate goal is to create the most value possible given the resources available to us. This goal is often obscured by the various and sundry issues, projects, meetings, and crises that consume our daily schedule. … [Read more...] about The Three Jobs of Management
Positioning Your Company For Sale
The single most important event in the life of a company is usually a sale transaction. Most business owners think of the sale of the company as their most likely exit strategy, and many expect a sale within a relatively short time period. … [Read more...] about Positioning Your Company For Sale
Business Cycles: Simulating Solvency
Until recently, the U.S. economy experienced one of the longest periods of economic expansion in its history. Traditionally, economic cycles have averaged about six years in length, but a combination of technological innovation, skillful monetary … [Read more...] about Business Cycles: Simulating Solvency
Are Board Members Well Informed?
I believe that one of a company’s critical responsibilities is to involve its board of directors in the management decision-making process. The board is, of course, there for a reason. Look around the table at your next board meeting and consider the … [Read more...] about Are Board Members Well Informed?