We provide valuation opinions to publicly traded and privately held companies to assist them in satisfying a wide variety of financial & tax reporting requirements. In terms of financial reporting, these include purchase price allocations, valuations of goodwill and intangible assets, impairment studies, valuations of securities associated with stock-based compensation, and other fair value reporting issues.
On the tax side, our opinions are frequently tailored to address tax issues such as corporate income tax reporting and disputes, estate and gift tax reporting and disputes, charitable contributions, transfer pricing, stock valuation and purchase price allocations.
Whether your reporting requirements are mandated by the SEC, the IRS, your lender or your own internal controls, turn to VALUE.
- ASC 805 – Purchase Price Allocation
- ASC 350 – Valuations of Goodwill & Intangible Assets
- ASC 360 – Impairment Studies
- ASC 718 – Valuation of Stock-Based Compensation
- ASC 820 – Fair Value Measurements
- Fair Value Reporting of Investment Portfolios
- Corporate Income Tax Reporting & Disputes
- Estate & Gift Tax Reporting & Disputes
- Estate Planning Valuations
- Charitable Contribution Deductions
- IRC 482 – Transfer Pricing Studies
- IRC 83b – Stock Valuation
- IRC 409A Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation
- Ad Valorem Tax Valuation
- C-S Conversion
- SOP 90-7 Fresh Start Accounting
- Partnership Discount Studies
- Restricted Stock Discount Studies